People expect us to change to suit to their needs.. and it always happen either u realize it or not. To please a boss you need to be dedicated, to be mom’s apple of the eyes.. You need to be angel.. to be a good student.. You need to give a flying colors result and well behave (hehehe a gangster with good result doesn’t turn u to be a hero :P) and the list goes on and on and on....
Life is not only about you or people surround you. Life can be simple as ABC or can be intricate as the cell transformation process. Ya.. Life is a very complex I must say. We are not talking about the little detail here. But what is valuable to be added to life is the value which sometime you don’t realize that is crucial.. in addition it is not crucial to u.. but to other people. We do not realize sometime, our action perhaps jeopardize other people’s life. On the other hand, some might light the sunshine to their life without you noticing it.. and that’s the beauty of life…and some might leave you in darkness..where u learn the lesson from the down fall of the life..
Life without challenge or difficulty is like a black and white photo… a monotone… classic but plain… nice to look at but flat…dull.. tells story but yet not complete… aha… on the other hand… life with challenge and difficulty is full with colors.. emotions.. bright…aggressive….. expressive…. alive…misery..laughter…unexplainable.. period.. Picture speaks louder than word .and word speaks louder than picture too...see,life is complicated… if life were set in a movie trailer… I wonder what a complex mixture of color blend will be used… I mean I’m talking bout myself movie trailer.. it is just tooooo complicated n too colourful.
I took time to reflect where am I standing at the present once in a while … I mean to understand myself.. and at certain point… I noticed... I’ve making a turning at certain point… if it’s for self improvement,good.... but if it’s the other way round.. Times pass by in no time… but yea that’s life… For me… Experienced is the greatest teacher ever… its either you learn something from it… or you are too naive to read between the lines… if u failed it doesn’t means it’s the end of the world… but its actually giving you a second chance to do it again….. and this time wisely….
Somehow… The end of the day… u r not “yourself”… but it is actually a new ‘someone’ that has been created by people surrounds you. I believe that the changes for self betterment are reasonable… but changes to suit people’s need are overrated….and yea.. It is fine to be me to be myself rather than changing myself to suit people's need..Life isn't all about people who surrounds us....Be the way you are.....