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Friday, June 27, 2008
Are we living for ourself or for others?
People expect us to change to suit to their needs.. and it always happen either u realize it or not. To please a boss you need to be dedicated, to be mom’s apple of the eyes.. You need to be angel.. to be a good student.. You need to give a flying colors result and well behave (hehehe a gangster with good result doesn’t turn u to be a hero :P) and the list goes on and on and on....
Life is not only about you or people surround you. Life can be simple as ABC or can be intricate as the cell transformation process. Ya.. Life is a very complex I must say. We are not talking about the little detail here. But what is valuable to be added to life is the value which sometime you don’t realize that is crucial.. in addition it is not crucial to u.. but to other people. We do not realize sometime, our action perhaps jeopardize other people’s life. On the other hand, some might light the sunshine to their life without you noticing it.. and that’s the beauty of life…and some might leave you in darkness..where u learn the lesson from the down fall of the life..
Life without challenge or difficulty is like a black and white photo… a monotone… classic but plain… nice to look at but flat…dull.. tells story but yet not complete… aha… on the other hand… life with challenge and difficulty is full with colors.. emotions.. bright…aggressive….. expressive…. alive…misery..laughter…unexplainable.. period.. Picture speaks louder than word .and word speaks louder than picture too...see,life is complicated… if life were set in a movie trailer… I wonder what a complex mixture of color blend will be used… I mean I’m talking bout myself movie trailer.. it is just tooooo complicated n too colourful.
I took time to reflect where am I standing at the present once in a while … I mean to understand myself.. and at certain point… I noticed... I’ve making a turning at certain point… if it’s for self improvement,good.... but if it’s the other way round.. Times pass by in no time… but yea that’s life… For me… Experienced is the greatest teacher ever… its either you learn something from it… or you are too naive to read between the lines… if u failed it doesn’t means it’s the end of the world… but its actually giving you a second chance to do it again….. and this time wisely….
Somehow… The end of the day… u r not “yourself”… but it is actually a new ‘someone’ that has been created by people surrounds you. I believe that the changes for self betterment are reasonable… but changes to suit people’s need are overrated….and yea.. It is fine to be me to be myself rather than changing myself to suit people's need..Life isn't all about people who surrounds us....Be the way you are.....
Friday, June 20, 2008
I came across of a taxi driver uncle who has been using natural gas for 10 years without any complaint.So,instead of complaining,why don't people convert their vehicles into natural gas vehicles ( NGV ).A Natural gas vehicle or NGV is a vehicle that uses compressed natural gas (CNG) or, less commonly, liquefied natural gas (LNG)) as a clean alternative to other automobile fuels.
Savings on NGV is now over 75 % compared to new petrol price of RM 2.70 per litre !!A natural-gas vehicle, or NGV, is fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership.
Tractors Malaysia is now fitting Proton cars with the tank for only RM 2,300 while non-Proton cars have to pay RM3,200.
And he told me that he could travel to Singapore and back on his NGV taxi for only RM28.Wahh.....that really saves a lot!!!
Now,when there is such a cheaper and cleaner energy alternative for motor vehicles,what has the Government done to promote its use and save on the billions spent on subsidies?
If the Government really wished to burden down the cost of price hikes and withdrawal of subsidies,then they should take effort to get the people to switch to alternative source energy.Why depend on one source when we have the alternative way??
Well,it's not too late now for government to go on an aggressive campaign to get more,if not all vehicles to convert to NGV if they seriously want to help the rakyat. The advantages are more for NGV compared to petrol n diesel usage. And as for the cost,its really worth it. Do your own calculation.
Here are some suggestions for the Government and for all :
- Advise the rakyat to first of all convert their vehicles to be able to use NGV.
- The goverment should subsidies half the cost of the conversion.
- All new Malaysian cars will be fitted with NGV tanks from the factory.
- All petrol stations in the country wil be enabled to dispense LPG not just a few Petronas stations. ( In Malaysia, currently all NGV STATIONS are operated by Petronas under their wholly owned subsidary Petronas NGV Sdn Bhd.)
- More petrol stations sell natural gas, private car owners may switch from petrol to the cleaner and cheaper natural gas, resulting in reduced cost of fuel subsidies. The money saved could be channelled to increasing food production.
- The petrol consumption in this country will go down,thus the saved petrol can be sold in the world markets at the current exorbitant prices and increase our foreign exchange earnings.
- Fit all government vehicles with this cost savings device immediately.
- Train all the armed forces vehcile maintenance mechanics to help with the installations.
- Have showrooms displaying converted natural gas cars.
- With all the millions saved on subsidies,use it for other purpose.
- Consider these suggestions to alleviate the suffering of the people.
The advantages :
- NGVs are safer. The fuel storage tanks on an NGV are thicker and stronger than gasoline or diesel tanks.
- Natural gas prices have exhibited significant stability compared to oil prices. Historically, natural gas prices have exhibited significant price stability compared to the prices of petroleum-based fuels. This stability makes it easier to plan accurately for long-term costs
- NGVs have lower maintenance costs. Because natural gas burns so cleanly, it results in less wear and tear on the engine and extends the time between tune-ups and oil changes
- Natural gas will still be the cheapest option for motor vehicles. Malaysia is blessed with large reserves of natural gas, expected to last till 2035.
- Cut down the cost of monthly petrol bill from RM400 to only RM50.The cost of installation can be recovered in less than a year.
Singaporeans are enjoying cheaper fuel in the form of piped natural gas from Kemaman as a result of a long-term agreement signed in the 1990s between the Malaysian and Singapore governments. Japan, too, benefits from the cheap natural gas from Malaysia.
When there is a shortage of rice, traditional rice exporting countries stop exporting rice to ensure adequate supplies at affordable prices for their citizens. With the worsening oil crisis, why not ensure an adequate supply of natural gas for Malaysians first before exporting it?
**In Malaysia, currently all NGV STATIONS are operated by Petronas under their wholly owned subsidary Petronas NGV Sdn Bhd. click here for a printable version of the NGV stations in Malaysia
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The lion sleeps tonight
While was going tru few clips in Youtube,I came across this clip and find it's funny and can make you all smile...Hopefully....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The 3 things you need to know about sunglasses and UV protection: Fancy brands vs. Cheapos
The article's main points are how ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can burn (scary!) the corneas and conjunctivas of your eyes, causing all manner of issues, including cataracts. And, though there are some basic guidelines set by the "American National Standards Institute," the FDA doesn't regulate sunglasses, so you're kind of on your own with this purchase and need to be informed.
Among the sunglass-buying suggestions:
1. Don't purchase a pair of sunglasses without a specific UV claim/label, whether they are fancy designer or not.
2. This label should reveal the amount of protection you're getting—what you're looking for is 95% UV reduction, but you can also take something called "UV-400" and “UV absorption up to 400nm,” which according to this story, is basically the same thing (eye wear may also be labeled "cosmetic," which means the lenses will block out just 70% of sun frying).
3. These guidelines have absolutely nothing to do with the price or label. Many drugstore brands, though probably not as stylish as you'd want, offer the highest level of protection. Conversely, many of the most luxury lines, offer zilch.
Look for these voluntary industry labels that (hopefully) manufacturers are using:
“Cosmetic” = 70% UV reduction
“General Purpose” = 95% UV reduction
“Special purpose” = 99% UV reduction
“UV-400″ and “UV absorption up to 400nm” = 99% to 100% UV reduction
Also, you should know that the UV protectant coating doesn’t have a color, so don’t be tricked into thinking that darker lenses provde better protection. Also, remember that the tint or color of the lens doesn’t matter.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Something lovely for all of you.
I have something to share with all of you. I have went tru this and I want to share it with all of you. Hope you try it and have a nice day. Please leave a comment on how you felt and share with me.After all sharing is caring. Have fun and have a nice day..Enjoy!! Make sure try it. Sumthing to enjoy.
Click here.
Have fun!!!!
Generation Y
- The Silent generation, people born before 1946.
- The Baby Boomers, people born between 1946 and 1959.
- Generation X, people born between 1960 and 1979.
- Generation Y, people born between 1980 and 1995
Why do we call the last one generation Y? I did not know, but a caricaturist explains it eloquently below...Learned something new!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Funny vidoes..another work by talented Indian.
The talent of Indian youngsters. Wonder what inspired them to came up with this clip.Creative?Nonsense?Funny? How to describe to them...hmmmmm
**Viewer's discretion is advised for the clip below...LOL
Cat dancing for tamil song.. Funny...Klip di bawah adalah untuk tontonan umum (U). :D
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday 13- Is It Really Unlucky?
As most people probably already realize, today is Friday the 13th, a date commonly associated with bad luck.
For the next several hours, millions of superstitious individuals across the country will hold their breath anticipating misfortune. Others will avoid leaving the house altogether, refusing to drive, shop or work on the ill-fated day.
But whether you're a true triskaidekaphobe (a person with an irrational fear of Friday the 13th, also called a paraskevidekatriaphobe) or just mildly suspicious, it's probably a good idea to know just where your trepidation comes from.
Though it's hard to pinpoint the exact origins of any superstition, several Internet sites are devoted to the history of the Friday the 13th legend. And most list the same possible origins of the rumoured curse. One of the more lucid sites is David Emery's urbanlegends.about.
According to a biography on the Web site, Emery is a freelance journalist, as well as a staff writer for both a TV sitcom and a satirical newspaper. He has a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Portland (Or.) State University and completed graduate studies in philosophy and the classics at the University of Texas at Austin. He apparently has a particular interest in modern folklore and founded to "debunk, deconstruct and discuss the most popular tall tales and hoaxes in circulation."
While the Web site explores everything from e-mail hoaxes to dubious quotes, three pages are devoted to the history of Friday the 13th.
According to the site, the superstition is derived from myths about both Fridays and the number 13.
Fridays, for example, are hailed as a particularly significant day in the Christian tradition. Obviously, there is Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified. But according to Christian lore, Adam and Eve also supposedly ate the forbidden fruit on a Friday, the Great Flood started on a Friday, the builders of the Tower of Babel were tongue-tied on a Friday and the Temple of Solomon was destroyed on a Friday.
Of course, the Bible doesn't specifically note many these events occurring on Fridays, and Emery explains some of the tradition may have stemmed from the fact that pre-Christian pagan cultures hailed Friday as holy days. The word "Friday" is, in fact, derived from a Norse deity who was worshipped on the sixth day of the week and who represented marriage and fertility. Fridays in the early Norse culture were associated with love and considered a good day for weddings.
Over time, however, mythology transformed the Norse fertility goddess into a witch, and Fridays became an unholy Sabbath. Incidentally, the goddess' sacred animal was a cat, which may explain the legendary connection between witches and cats, as well as the superstition about black cats heralding bad luck.
In addition to the legendary significance of Fridays, the sixth day of the week also was execution day in ancient Rome and later Hangman's Day in Britain, according the Emery's Web site.
The number 13 also has mythological and religious symbolism.
Both the Hindus and Vikings reportedly had a myth in which 12 gods were invited to a gathering and Loki, the god of mischief, crashed the party and incited a riot. Tradition in both cultures holds that 13 people at a dinner party is bad luck and will end in the death of the party-goers.
Following in that vein, the Last Supper in Christian tradition hosted 13 people and one betrayed Christ, resulting in the crucifixion.
The number 13 also has been associated with death in other cultures. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed life unfolded in 12 stages, and the 13th stage was death. The Egyptians considered death a part of their ultimate journey and looked forward to the spiritual transformation ‹ thus 13 was not an unlucky number in their culture ‹ but like so many others, the tradition warped through time and cultures, eventually associating the number 13 with a more negative and fearful interpretation of death, Emery writes.
Finally, Emery suggests the number 13 may have an unlucky connotation because of its association with the lunar calendar (there are 13 lunar cycles in a year) and with femininity (women have 13 menstrual cycles in a year).
Then, there's the event that ties the two superstitions together.
"Though it's clear that superstitions associating Fridays and the number 13 with misfortune date back to the ancient times, some sources assign the precise origin of the black spot on the day itself, Friday the 13th, to a specific historical event," adds Emery.
It was on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, that France's King Philip IV had the Knights Templar rounded up for torture and execution. The Knights Templar were an order of warriors within the Roman Catholic Church who banded together to protect Christian travellers visiting Jerusalem in the centuries after the Crusades. The Knights eventually became a rich, powerful ‹ and allegedly corrupt order within the church and were executed for heresy.
So, who knows?
The date may be forever cursed by one event that occurred nearly 700 years ago, or by a series of cosmic coincidences.
Or it may be a figment of human beings' collective imaginations.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Malaysian Indians demand space for temples, crematoriums in KL Draft Plan 2020
After he is lose,he is gone,he is no longer in power,HE is demanding adequate space for temples and for conducting rituals for the deceased in their residential areas from City Hall.
Why now when u had all these last 33 years to demand,to ensure that the needs of the Indian community were addressed. And now only you realised the needs of the Indian community?? When you was in power,you were begging,and now,you are no longer in power,you think they will respond to your demand Mr.Samy Vellu?? You are demanding many things now such as places for Indian students in local unversity. Why you didn’t demand this when u was in power?
Are you trying to be saviour by demanding this things now as the issues are hot?? If you really mean to help,update us with the progress of your demandings. Not just a news in papers the MIC demanding……and thats it. No more updates and what did the related authority respond. It’s like “hangat-hangat tahi ayam” which means a thing that is just hot at the begining only. You are like that. Demand this,demand that and that’s all. It will be a issue in papers and Indians will think,oh,MIC is demanding. Good. Indians can think. They won’t fall to this “sweet demandings”.
You are too late in demanding them now for Indians.U were busy getting things done for urself while u was in power and now,after all gone,you having a look at Indian community to save MIC by demanding. Well,good luck. You should have done this things long ago but you just wake up it seems and that also to gain peoples faith towards MIC so that MIC can survive.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Murleen...May Your Soul Rest In Peace.
Murleen Nambiar,a 3rd year student in CSMU. Supposed to be one of Malaysian Indian doctor but now he is no longer alive to be one.
Murleen went missing for 9 days and I got to know about this through a friend of mine.I wonder how come this news didn't came out in local newspapers and television.
I have no idea whether the police over there put their full effort to find him but I'm sure all Malaysian students over there put their full effort and time not minding their exam to look for Murleen endlessly but in the end all effort and hope vanished when they got the information that his body was found.
All Malaysian students are mourning for him. How could this happened?? From what I heard,the ignorant of concerning parties and police over there delayed in finding Murleen and it's the main cause to his death.
This situation could have been avoided if related parties co-operated in searching him n put more effort but...all of them were helpless.The Malaysian embassy weren't helpful either. How could they be such ignorant towards a young Malaysian who is studying there?? Who else will help if not Malaysian embassy???
For Malaysians who stdying abroad,their safety isn't secured and being in foreign country,the local also won't be so helpful.
Murleen's body was floating in a river and found by locals there. They had reported to police and the University was informed about it. Murleen's body will be send to Malaysia after all procedures are done.
I feel so sorry for Murleen's family and friends. My deepest condolence to his family and friends.
Hope they won't be any lost anymore as this wil be the last. To related parties,please be more efficient and take care of Malaysian students who are studying abroad.
May Your Soul Rest In Peace,Murleen Nambiar.
Please forgive us if we have failed to give you a helping hand to avoid your lost.
You will be in our memories always.
There won't be any posts for next 3 days as a part of mourning for Murleen's death.
Updates: Actually, the autopsy result is still pending. But, the authority hasn't denied any possibility of the body being moved from the origin Scene of Death... The toxicological results has not yet confirm any presence of ethyl alcohol, drugs and poisons from the body fluids. The presence of diatoms or planktons in organs needs times to investigate for about few days to weeks- to proof he is died b4 enter the water [killed n throw in the water or enter the water and died (asphyxia)]. All these reports are waiting to be declassified.
Finally,the news of Murleen is out in newspaper. Family puzzled over medical student's drowning.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hike hike hike!!
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s announcement on Wednesday evening triggered chaos across the country as motorists swamped fuel stations to fill up before the measure took effect at midnight.
Although the government has announced a number of rebates to car and motorbike owners but this is too small to help poor Malaysians cope up with the rise if
food and transport cost.
And not enough of fuel hike,the price of electricity is also shooting up by 20% from July 1 and that is going to push up the cost of daily living for most people.
Well,we shouldnt be blaming our beloved PM. Its our beloved rakyat who voted for BN. I’m taking this oppurtunity to thank u people because made our life misreable with all this hike up. And made those poor people’s life more disaster.
Wait for more price to hike up in future….soon it will happen.PM’s economic advisors are doing a great job too…Not to be left,thank them too..We will soon witness spiraling cost of food, a issue the government has failed to address adequately.
The increase is all the more biting because the standard of our public transport system can only be described as atrocious.In way to save money,we will be looking for public transport but please have a look at our public transport. I will be saying that I’m risking my life by using public transport.What we need is cheap, reliable and safe public transportation system for our country. But sorry,don’t expect that from our public transport. Hey,i missed clean transportation too.Some public transport looks so scary and freaking. Well,by looking al this,this show how negligent and irresponsible the authorities are forcing the public to drive to work in the absence of an efficient public transportation
There is a real need to restudy the need for such a sudden and steep increase in fuel.
And not to be missed,what happened to BN’s manifesto during election eh?? Lets have a look at it.
No Fuel Price Hike, Says NajibSo,what happened to that manifesto?? Manifesto remains as a manifesto which will nvr been implemented but the thing opposite to the manifesto will be implemented!! This is what u have asked for BN voters. Mr.Najib,this is what you called prosperity in manifesto eh? By the hike,properity is gone…By the hike,peace is gone..why? Because public start to protest… security also gone,why..u protest,no permit,go under ISA…Full security there….cantik macam bunga punya manifesto…
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
Tun Razak today dismissed assumptions of a hike in fuel price after the March 8
general election.
“No, it doesn’t necessarily mean price hike,” he said
when asked if there would be a rise in fuel price after the polls following the
increase in fuel subsidies paid by the Government last year.
Najib was
speaking to reporters after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad launched
Barisan Nasional’s (BN) progress report and election manifesto, themed
“Security, Peace and Prosperity,” here.
In his speech at the launching,
Abdullah, who is also Finance Minister, said that last year, the government paid
RM43.4 billion for subsidies, of which RM35 billion was allocated for fuel.
Commenting on the BN’s manifesto, Najib said that it was the BN’s
government Key Performance Index (KPI) for the last four years and is assessed
by the rakyat.
“I believe this document is the basis and measurement of
our success as well as our future direction,” he said.
Najib said that
this was because the manifesto was not politically rhetoric but contained
substantive inputs.
He said that the specific contents in the manifesto
made it easier for the rakyat to see in detail all that had been done by the BN
government to develop the country.
“The rakyat can also know where the
BN government will lead them to,” he said.
The Manifesto themed
“Security, Peace and Prosperity,” outlined what the government had done in the
last four years after the huge mandate given by the rakyat in the 2004 general
This is also the first time the government unfolds its
progress report before the rakyat.
Quoted From
This will be my future transport.... Orampo orampo,Rubenee vandhi varethe.
Public's responses over fuel hike.
Wana eat chicken wings anymore??
Avoid eating chicken wings frequently - ladies, especially; a true story...!
A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the cyst. The cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood. She thought that she would be recovered after the surgery but! she was terribly wrong.
A relapse occurred just a few months later. Distressed, she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation.
During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her.
He ask if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how, he knew of her eating habits.
You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met. This need is none other than the need for food.
Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings. Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists. These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth. It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!
Singapore Medical Association
Tel: (65) 6223 1264, ext. 22
Fax: (65) 6224 7827
Monday, June 2, 2008
Samy Vellu: We may have lost but we have ’sakthi’
The party might have lost seats in the elections but not its sakthi (power), declared Samy Vellu as he kept the members glued to their seats throughout the three-hour meeting.
“Are we dead because we lost the seats? We have only lost this once. Only we can speak on behalf of the Indian community.
“From those days, we have been asking to uplift the status of the Indian community and to look into Tamil schools. But they didn’t, so is it our fault?”
At this juncture, Samy Vellu turned to secretary-general and Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam and said: “You ask at the cabinet meetings, how many hundreds of times I had brought up the Indian problems.
“If they say no, I will resign as party president tomorrow.”
Samy Vellu said the only mistake the MIC did was not to sing its own praises.
“Today, the young people are scolding us, asking what MIC has done. You cannot sit in your bedroom and scold us all the time.
“If you want to know what we have done, get out of your room and see our work.”
Samy Vellu also commented on the low number of Indians in the civil service and asked if it was because the Indians were not qualified enough for the positions.
At this point, he turned to Dr Subramaniam, who was talking to vice-president Datuk S. Veerasingham, and said: “Subramaniam listen. Veerasingham, don’t talk to him. Always talking stories.”
Selangor MIC passed four resolutions at the AGM: supporting the leadership of Samy Vellu; urging the government to enable the Indian community to own three per cent equity; employ more Indians in the civil service; and form an agency to look into the Selangor Indian community.
Rubenee says : ‘ The party might have lost seats in the elections but not its sakthi (power) ‘. Are you trying to stick with the “Makkal Sakthi” word to regain peoples trust towards MIC? Never ever u will gain that back Mr.Samy Vellu unless you resign,that also a MAYBE only. You are dead,guess you got your karumathi card too rite?? Enough of you spoke on behalf on Indian community. As being said that our current PM is the failure of BN,you are the failure of MIC.
It’s not the matter how many hundreds of times you had brought up the Indians problems,but have you managed to solve any of it?? You have never put effort to help Indians even when they didn’t entertain you..You should have pressured them..Ok,there is no point of talking back the past.
Regarding the drama of ” Rebranding The Mic “, are you going to waste the money on just changing the logo,uniforms and songs all? You are just wasting the money.Please use up the money for a better purpose and worth it. Only then,maybe,you can regain Indians trust. You gotta work hard for it. And it will be better if you resign. MIC will have a fresh look after that.
Youths are not scolding you all for nothing.We have the reasons.You asked us to get out of our room and see your work. How to see?? And what to see? Well,I’m not saying that you all have not done anything. Now,what’s important is being transparent. We wana know where MAIKA share wents? Show us all necessary documents, minutes-of-meetings, donation receipts, Profit-and-Loss statements etc etc. We want transparency. Only this will be helping you now,not changing the logo,uniforms all…Don’t say we are just sitting and barking at u for nothing.
And for Selangor MIC,you wana support the leadership of Samy Vellu,then forget of getting Indians trust back. His leadership is the main failure of MIC. Look for new capable face. Wana rebrand means rebrand everything from the top till down. Analyse everything. We have lost our trust to MIC because of Samy Vellu. Drop him and you have better future for MIC. Maybe.
We wana see MIC going to all over the Malaysia to help Indians. Implement what you have planned. Start from estates,we have alot of Indians who need help. Use the money to help Indians to uplift their status instead using it for rebranding stuffs. And again,I’m focusing in transparency. Be transparent and do the changes that MIC needs now. Not logo,not song,not uniform but the leadership. There are many of you who are capable to lead MIC. Think about it. Indians have lost their trust towards MIC because of Samy Vellu.
We gonna see what MIC will do for the students who the PSD scholarship is rejected.
Make changes folks!!
-Sharing is Caring-
Pls beware of robbers in full face helmet with black viser usually 4 of them & mainly targetting indians.They've done this for past weeks in area of Skudai , Mutiara Rini , Tmn Rinting,Seri Alam & so on.More of it , they entered house in the day hours just like friends & start to threaten with parang.
If can,just make a false report to Police & get them to patrol your neighbourhood.
Blog Archive
- Are we living for ourself or for others?
- The lion sleeps tonight
- The 3 things you need to know about sunglasses and...
- Something lovely for all of you.
- Generation Y
- Funny vidoes..another work by talented Indian.
- Friday 13- Is It Really Unlucky?
- Malaysian Indians demand space for temples, cremat...
- Murleen...May Your Soul Rest In Peace.
- Hike hike hike!!
- Wana eat chicken wings anymore??
- Samy Vellu: We may have lost but we have ’sakthi’