Sunday, September 28, 2008


It seems a lot have things have happened and happening since I went offline. From my own life drama to politic drama everything is sickening!! Sick minded people is everywhere! Sigh..Getting back to my track..... Learning from mistakes but ain't it too late? Don't continue reading as I'm crapping and mumbling here! Too tired,too sick,too frustrated.....It's not me! Life is just too challenging at certain time with people around making it worse with some irritating problems! Oooh! Damn! Just *tut* off! Not going after people who deserves something but indeed punishing the others? WTF! Sigh.....signing off for now.....


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Racist remarks!!! Chinese and Indians are "kaum pendatang"??

I stumbled upon this forum and the discussion topic will get on your nerves. Now what do PDRM gotta say about this discussion? Not seditious? Go through each of the reply and you will understand the discussion is more then seditious!!! F**ked up assholes!!!

Each replies for the topic is seditious and it is provoking other races in Malaysia and to be specific,INDIAN AND CHINESE which they address Indians as Keling, while Indians and Chinese are "Kaum Pendatang"

Now I wonder what are they...Forgot their history how they too ended up in Malaysia? Read Ketuanan Melayu to get a clear picture of your origin!!

The topic "Kempen boikot semua calon-calon India" was started by kakikuda(Panelis Eksekutif)last year.Too late I came across it.This is what KakiKuda said :
Semua calon calon india sama ada dari parti bn atau pembangkang mestilah ditolak pada pilihanraya umum yang akan datang

orang melayu mesti bersatu dan jangan mengundi calon calon india sama ada dari mic gerakan dap pkr atau pas

calon india dari mic jugak harus ditolak kerana kaum india tak tau berterima kasih UMNO memberi peluang mereka bertanding walaupun dia org takder satu kawasan majoriti pun ka dun atau parlimen

jangan memberi undi kepada orang yang memberontak terhadap kita
biar dia orang takder rep kat parlimen dun jadi dia orang tak diwakili oleh sesiapa pun biarkan dia orang bertempik tempik kat luar

kaum india tidak setia pada negara ni jadi mereka harus diboikot dari semua aspek politik ekonomi dsbnya

ayuh bangun org melayu gunakan kuasa undi kita untuk membuang bangsa ke ling ni dari parlimen
ke ling tak penting dalam politik malaysia tak perlu ada ke ling dalam politik malaysia
jgn ckp ke ling jer ... cina pon tak guna .... semua gunting dlm lipatan !

wakil rakyat parti Gerakan drpd Pulau Pinang turut sama menyokong tun- tutan HINDRAF ....

Cina dgn ke ling 2 x 5 .... back stabbing bitches !
*The above quote from Haidi ( Junior Forum Moderator)
And to be not left out,Kakikuda suggested this too :
spr mesti pandai memainkan peranan supaya kurangkan kwsn kwsn parlimen india n cina ni

pastikan tujuh puluh persen dari kwn praya bermajoriti pengundi melayu dgn cara marginalisekan kwsn bukan melayu

dengan itu satu hari nanti tiada la wakil cina n india dalam parlimen
Already not giving any basic rights,now suggesting this..Damn you people!!!
While all this kind of discussion went on,I wonder what the site admin was doing and there I came across the admin's reply as below:
Boikot semua K E L I N G tak sedar diri. Hantar je semua berambus balik ke India... Biar merempat kat sana....
Well,there is a lot more replies over there which will get on your nerves and mainly it is pointed to Indians. It seems like Kakikuda can't just wait to see Indians to not have representative in Parliament and as DUN too.What a sick minded fella he is.
Kakikuda just can't stop from suggestion to get rid of Indians..
minta kerjasama dgn kjaan indonesia bagi kerakyatan pada 1 juta org melayu dari sumatera:: melayu riau minang acheh deli langkat serdang mendailing dan juga melayu banjar dari kalimantan bugis dari sulawesi untuk meramaikan pengundi melayu di malaysia (tolak @#$%&$ @#$%&$ madura jawa sunda boyan sebab bukan etnik melayu). tempat kan di lokasi lokasi byk bukan melayu spt penang perak melaka nsembilan johor dan bagi hak mengundi. dgn itu kerusi kerusi melayu akan bertambah sehingga 80% drpd jumlah kerusi parlimen selamat orang melayu sampai bila bila. tahun 70an kjaan ada bagi penduduk tetap pada melayu sumatera skrg kita tambah lagi byk byk. kalau spork boleh bawak masuk cina hong kong apa pulak kita tak boleh. bagi PR secara senyap senyap lepas sepuluh tahun bagi ic biru pulak nanti dia org boleh mengundi. melayu kena cerdik kita tak boleh tunggu lagi.
It's just too sickening to read the replies,so here you go to read the others craps by racist. Read here.

Since government said they are watching the bloggers,do they watch this website too?
Will this matter just be let off like the racist teacher's racist remark?? Not again!!!!!

Will this people will be investigate under the Sedition Act for labelling Chinese and Indians as “immigrants” who do not deserve equal rights in the country and addressed Indian with racist remarks!!!!!

Ahmad Shabery once said that " "Laws must be used" against those who break the law". Will this be implemented to those took part in that seditious and provoking discussion?

What PDRM , Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar gonna come up with this forum?Oooh,not to miss MIC too,will they defend or just come to a settlement?
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